We are a family!
Let me start by saying thank you. I read all comments, tweets and emails and I’m encouraged. My ramblings seem to speak to many of you and I hope you will carry on reading. Without further delay, this weeks’ middle class concern is “Should I adopt a child?”
The world population is doubling every two years. South Africa has just reached the 50 million people mark. Logically- no one should be reproducing. On a superficial level, it means more traffic, longer waiting lists for the best schools, less personal space and a smaller chance of finding the right size during sales. Environmentally it means less land, water and food and more pollution and waste. Socially and politically it means, more unemployed youth and more tax to service the 14 million plus South African’s on social grants. It makes me nervous.
Before I get cussed out for linking adoption to overpopulation let me add that there are many factors to consider before assuming the parenting of another being. Every child needs a loving home and parents. With so many unfit parents, I believe there should be a licencing process in which couples apply to some greater authority for permission to have children. I say this in jest but humans have done very well in multiplying and not so well in assuming responsibility.
I am not ready to have my own children but I think adoption is worth considering. Many South African children are in desperate need of families. If I’ve stirred any curiosity, visit Adoption SA or Adoption Voice SA for more information.